e mail : Le Gite de La Rouquette La Rouquette- 15 340 Calvinet – France
GPS coordinates: latitude: 44.70249 longitude: 2.34536 google map fr.mappy.com
La Rouquette is located 3 km from the town of Calvinet offering all shops and services (bakery, butcher, tobacconist, newspapers, cafe, restaurant, post office) and medical services (doctor, pharmacy, nursing).
Maurs 18 km (station) and Montsalvy; Aurillac 32 km (station, airport), 40 km from Figeac 20 km from Conques (Roman church), 18 km from the valley of the Lot (canoeing), 70 km from the ski resorts (The Lioran), between Clermont-Ferrand and Toulouse (200km from each city).
Coming by car:
- Paris (600km) from the A75 exit 23 Massiac or the A20, exit at Tulle.
- Montpellier (250km) through Millau and Rodez (65km).
- Lyon (350km).